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GraphQL.JS Tutorial


The graphql/type module is responsible for defining GraphQL types and schema. You can import either from the graphql/type module, or from the root graphql module. For example:

import { GraphQLSchema } from "graphql" // ES6
var { GraphQLSchema } = require("graphql") // CommonJS









class GraphQLSchema {
  constructor(config: GraphQLSchemaConfig)
type GraphQLSchemaConfig = {
  query: GraphQLObjectType
  mutation?: GraphQLObjectType

A Schema is created by supplying the root types of each type of operation, query and mutation (optional). A schema definition is then supplied to the validator and executor.


var MyAppSchema = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: MyAppQueryRootType,
  mutation: MyAppMutationRootType



class GraphQLScalarType<InternalType> {
  constructor(config: GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<InternalType>)
type GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<InternalType> = {
  name: string
  description?: string
  serialize: (value: mixed) => InternalType
  parseValue?: (value: mixed) => InternalType
  parseLiteral?: (valueAST: Value) => InternalType

The leaf values of any request and input values to arguments are Scalars (or Enums) and are defined with a name and a series of serialization functions used to ensure validity.


var OddType = new GraphQLScalarType({
  name: "Odd",
  serialize: oddValue,
  parseValue: oddValue,
  parseLiteral(ast) {
    if (ast.kind === Kind.INT) {
      return oddValue(parseInt(ast.value, 10))
    return null
function oddValue(value) {
  return value % 2 === 1 ? value : null


class GraphQLObjectType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLObjectTypeConfig)
type GraphQLObjectTypeConfig = {
  name: string
  interfaces?: GraphQLInterfacesThunk | GraphQLInterfaceType[]
  fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMapThunk | GraphQLFieldConfigMap
  isTypeOf?: (value: any, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo) => boolean
  description?: string
type GraphQLInterfacesThunk = () => Array<GraphQLInterfaceType>
type GraphQLFieldConfigMapThunk = () => GraphQLFieldConfigMap
// See below about resolver functions.
type GraphQLFieldResolveFn = (
  source?: any,
  args?: { [argName: string]: any },
  context?: any,
  info?: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => any
type GraphQLResolveInfo = {
  fieldName: string
  fieldNodes: Array<Field>
  returnType: GraphQLOutputType
  parentType: GraphQLCompositeType
  schema: GraphQLSchema
  fragments: { [fragmentName: string]: FragmentDefinition }
  rootValue: any
  operation: OperationDefinition
  variableValues: { [variableName: string]: any }
type GraphQLFieldConfig = {
  type: GraphQLOutputType
  args?: GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap
  resolve?: GraphQLFieldResolveFn
  deprecationReason?: string
  description?: string
type GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap = {
  [argName: string]: GraphQLArgumentConfig
type GraphQLArgumentConfig = {
  type: GraphQLInputType
  defaultValue?: any
  description?: string
type GraphQLFieldConfigMap = {
  [fieldName: string]: GraphQLFieldConfig

Almost all of the GraphQL types you define will be object types. Object types have a name, but most importantly describe their fields.

When two types need to refer to each other, or a type needs to refer to itself in a field, you can use a function expression (aka a closure or a thunk) to supply the fields lazily.

Note that resolver functions are provided the source object as the first parameter. However, if a resolver function is not provided, then the default resolver is used, which looks for a method on source of the same name as the field. If found, the method is called with (args, context, info). Since it is a method on source, that value can always be referenced with this.


var AddressType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "Address",
  fields: {
    street: { type: GraphQLString },
    number: { type: GraphQLInt },
    formatted: {
      type: GraphQLString,
      resolve(obj) {
        return obj.number + " " + obj.street
var PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "Person",
  fields: () => ({
    name: { type: GraphQLString },
    bestFriend: { type: PersonType }


class GraphQLInterfaceType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLInterfaceTypeConfig)
type GraphQLInterfaceTypeConfig = {
  name: string
  fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMapThunk | GraphQLFieldConfigMap
  resolveType?: (value: any, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo) => GraphQLObjectType
  description?: string

When a field can return one of a heterogeneous set of types, a Interface type is used to describe what types are possible, what fields are in common across all types, as well as a function to determine which type is actually used when the field is resolved.


var EntityType = new GraphQLInterfaceType({
  name: "Entity",
  fields: {
    name: { type: GraphQLString }


class GraphQLUnionType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLUnionTypeConfig)
type GraphQLUnionTypeConfig = {
  name: string
  types: GraphQLObjectsThunk | GraphQLObjectType[]
  resolveType?: (value: any, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo) => GraphQLObjectType
  description?: string
type GraphQLObjectsThunk = () => GraphQLObjectType[]

When a field can return one of a heterogeneous set of types, a Union type is used to describe what types are possible as well as providing a function to determine which type is actually used when the field is resolved.


var PetType = new GraphQLUnionType({
  name: "Pet",
  types: [DogType, CatType],
  resolveType(value) {
    if (value instanceof Dog) {
      return DogType
    if (value instanceof Cat) {
      return CatType


class GraphQLEnumType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLEnumTypeConfig)
type GraphQLEnumTypeConfig = {
  name: string
  values: GraphQLEnumValueConfigMap
  description?: string
type GraphQLEnumValueConfigMap = {
  [valueName: string]: GraphQLEnumValueConfig
type GraphQLEnumValueConfig = {
  value?: any
  deprecationReason?: string
  description?: string
type GraphQLEnumValueDefinition = {
  name: string
  value?: any
  deprecationReason?: string
  description?: string

Some leaf values of requests and input values are Enums. GraphQL serializes Enum values as strings, however internally Enums can be represented by any kind of type, often integers.

Note: If a value is not provided in a definition, the name of the enum value will be used as its internal value.


var RGBType = new GraphQLEnumType({
  name: "RGB",
  values: {
    RED: { value: 0 },
    GREEN: { value: 1 },
    BLUE: { value: 2 }


class GraphQLInputObjectType {
  constructor(config: GraphQLInputObjectConfig)
type GraphQLInputObjectConfig = {
  name: string
    | GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMapThunk
    | GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMap
  description?: string
type GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMapThunk =
  () => GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMap
type GraphQLInputObjectFieldConfig = {
  type: GraphQLInputType
  defaultValue?: any
  description?: string
type GraphQLInputObjectConfigFieldMap = {
  [fieldName: string]: GraphQLInputObjectFieldConfig
type GraphQLInputObjectField = {
  name: string
  type: GraphQLInputType
  defaultValue?: any
  description?: string
type GraphQLInputObjectFieldMap = {
  [fieldName: string]: GraphQLInputObjectField

An input object defines a structured collection of fields which may be supplied to a field argument.

Using NonNull will ensure that a value must be provided by the query


var GeoPoint = new GraphQLInputObjectType({
  name: "GeoPoint",
  fields: {
    lat: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLFloat) },
    lon: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLFloat) },
    alt: { type: GraphQLFloat, defaultValue: 0 }


class GraphQLList {
  constructor(type: GraphQLType)

A list is a kind of type marker, a wrapping type which points to another type. Lists are often created within the context of defining the fields of an object type.


var PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "Person",
  fields: () => ({
    parents: { type: new GraphQLList(PersonType) },
    children: { type: new GraphQLList(PersonType) }


class GraphQLNonNull {
  constructor(type: GraphQLType)

A non-null is a kind of type marker, a wrapping type which points to another type. Non-null types enforce that their values are never null and can ensure an error is raised if this ever occurs during a request. It is useful for fields which you can make a strong guarantee on non-nullability, for example usually the id field of a database row will never be null.


var RowType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "Row",
  fields: () => ({
    id: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(String) }



function isInputType(type: GraphQLType): boolean

These types may be used as input types for arguments and directives.


function isOutputType(type: GraphQLType): boolean

These types may be used as output types as the result of fields


function isLeafType(type: GraphQLType): boolean

These types may describe types which may be leaf values


function isCompositeType(type: GraphQLType): boolean

These types may describe the parent context of a selection set


function isAbstractType(type: GraphQLType): boolean

These types may describe a combination of object types



function getNullableType(type: GraphQLType): GraphQLNullableType

If a given type is non-nullable, this strips the non-nullability and returns the underlying type.


function getNamedType(type: GraphQLType): GraphQLNamedType

If a given type is non-nullable or a list, this repeated strips the non-nullability and list wrappers and returns the underlying type.



let GraphQLInt: GraphQLScalarType

A GraphQLScalarType that represents an int.


let GraphQLFloat: GraphQLScalarType

A GraphQLScalarType that represents a float.


let GraphQLString: GraphQLScalarType

A GraphQLScalarType that represents a string.


let GraphQLBoolean: GraphQLScalarType

A GraphQLScalarType that represents a boolean.


let GraphQLID: GraphQLScalarType

A GraphQLScalarType that represents an ID.